Innofader Rane 70/72/1


This product was previously called "Innofader PNP2 for Rane 70/72".


-> If you purchase a Rane 70/72 Innofader with a new adapter board (indicated by a small ink dot), please update the mixer to the or later firmware. The current version is 1.6 as of December 17, 2020. We will continue to monitor Rane firmware updates as they come in to ensure that they work properly. As of December 17, 2020, the product we sell online all has new adapters, and all of the product we are providing to retailers and distributors worldwide has new adapters.

-> If you have a Rane 70/72 Innofader with an old adapter and you need a new one, please email us with your full name, address, and telephone number so we can get one sent out to you. When you are done with the update, if the fader is working backwards, please set the FORWARD / REVERSE option to FORWARD as shown here.

-> If you already updated to version firmware on your Rane 72 before receiving a new adapter, please roll back the Rane 72 mixer firmware to version 1.3.2 so that your mixer continues to work until you receive the updated adapter board.

Version 1.3.2 for Mac or Version 1.3.2 for Windows

1) Make sure you put the Mag3 faders back in your mixer before doing the update. Once the update is done, you can put the Innofaders back in.
2) After the update, the mixer will be buggy. To fix this, first restore your Rane 72 to the default settings. Do this by engaging the Menu Screen (Shift Menu) then Swipe up on the Touch Screen, then press the Factory Reset on the screen which will appeary greish. Once you have done this, reinstall the version 1.3.2 firmware, restart Serato, restart the mixer, and all should be working normally again. Once you are back at this point, you can put the Innofaders back in and you'll be back to the happy place you were before :).

This special version of the Innofader PNP2 also comes with holes in the stem and adapters to fit the Rane 70 and 72. All adapter plates, stems, and the magic adapter board for working in the Rane 70 and 72 are included.

Inno Fader Rane Seventy/Seventy-Two (Innofader Rane 70-72)

Option #1 - Affirm Financing

Order Value Term Length APR
$50-699.99 3, 6 or 12 Months Interest-Bearing
$700+ 3, 6 Months 0% (Qualified Customers)
3, 6, 12 or 18 Months Interest-Bearing
  • -Upon Checkout, click Affirm
  • -Get approved in seconds
  • -No late fees

Option #2 - Synchrony Financing

  • -Finance over 6, 9, 12 or 18 Months
  • -All products qualify for 6 Month 0% Interest Promo
  • -Some products qualify for 9, 12, or 18 Month 0% Interest Promo

Option #3 - Business Lease Financing

Option #4 - Free Lay-Away Program

  • -Call 877-775-7635 to get started
  • -No credit checks, no late fees, no minimum order
  • -Pay when you can & we'll ship when it's paid off
  • -FREE to use ($10 initial charge is applied to final payment)

TRUSS & ACCESSORIES > Stands, Scrims & Stages > Other Accessories
Brand: Innofader

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Innofader Rane 70/72/1
Innofader Rane 70/72/1