The ProX XT-GRU-PKGX3 makes building a modular lighting grid for moving heads or other entertainment lighting, that is expandable up to 10 U modules is easy to achieve with the XT-GRU-PKGX3. The ProX grid package includes the beginning parts needed to mount move and store moving head fixtures for stages or performance areas. The XT-GRU3024 grid units allow for grid configurations tailored for your needs. You can hang up to10 grids beneath each other for custom layouts. The hanging frames are built from durable EN-AWT6 6082 aluminum frames and each grid will fit small to medium sized moving-head lights. The rolling baseplate is constructed from 10mm AWT6 6082 Aluminum Plate with handle cutouts and multiple drilled stud mounting holes for versatility. The baseplate is designed to work with the XT-GRU3024 grid units but can also be configured to work with F34 trussing products as well. The baseplate casters allow for easy moving of the XT-GRU-PKGX3 from the truck to venue to stage with minimal effort and protection for your lighting devices.
The XT-GRU3024 Rapid Gridâ„¢ modular design allows endless configurations for single fixtures, double hanging or ladders of multiple fixtures, which can also be expanded to create a wall of hanging positions. Each U module has two safety point attachments, one on each side for use with multiple styles of fixtures. The ProX GRU Rapid Gridâ„¢ System has been designed for quick deployment and take down in any environment. The lightweight yet strong aluminum construction is additionally reinforced to provide added stability and safety.
3- XT-GRU3024 U Grid Modules
1- XT-GRTOP24 Top for Hanging Grids
24" x 30" Rolling Baseplate W/4" Locking Casters
Easily expand the configurations of the ProX GRU Rapid Grid™ System by utilizing the standard ProX Truss XT-S F31 selection of single tube 2″ pipes, T sections, spigots, or corner adapters. These products all will fit into the GRU system which allows you to create hanging structures in an unlimited amount of designs for lighting utility.
ProX Truss products utilize industry standard dimensions to be compatible to connect to/with many other manufacturers trussing products with conical connectors.
Download the ProX Truss/Rigging Safety Guide
Based on the XT-GRU3024 Rapid Gridâ„¢ Unit
Single Grid Dimensions: 23.6" x 29.6" x 2" Tube O.D.
Load Capacity up to110 lbs. Per Segment
3 U Segment W/Hangar Weight: 18 lbs. (Less baseplate)
Manufactured in our Own Factory!
Material: EN-AWT6 6082 Aluminum
0.08" (2mm) Wall Thickness
TUV Certified Aluminium Welding
Includes Connecting Hardware
TUV Is a 3rd Party Certification Body and a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). TUV provides inspections, testing, certification & training, with the ultimate objectives of reliability, safety & high quality.
To Fit
ProX XT Series Trussing and most Manufacturers Trussing W/Conical Connectors