X-Laser EZ Re-Variance Kit


EZ Re-Variance: Rentals & used X-Laser purchases

EZ means EASY

We’ve taken the guesswork out of applying for your FDA variance. The full application to get your variance takes about fifteen minutes and is accessible 24/7/365.

Rapid FDA approvals

X-Laser’s EZ Variance kits get hard copy approvals from FDA in weeks, not years. It is simply the world’s fastest way to get laser licensing on Earth.

World leader in approvals

With use of our EZ Variance Kits, X-Laser and our customers have obtained more annual approved laser light show variances than any other manufacturer in the world, combined.


Convenient: Complete the X-Laser EZ Variance Kit online from virtually anywhere in a matter of minutes. Our EZ Variance card takes you through a simple 5 step online application, with full approvals averaging only 45 days.
Reliable: The EZ Variance Kit actually works, and we have obtained more approved variances over the last few years for our clients than every other firm in the world combined. Don’t be fooled by imitations that are “free,” but may never be approved.
Safety Focused: While the EZ Variance Kit is in fact very easy to complete, it is much more than just completed paperwork. Each application comes with very easy to follow training materials. This helps ensure that each applicant is aware of the best safety practices, and has a base level of knowledge, so that they can use our products safely in most applications before they file.
Legitimate: X-Laser is the only high powered laser manufacturer that guarantees that your application will be approved (subject to minor exceptions such as those who are not eligible to have a variance) and will handle all FDA correspondence to ensure that it is. Our first priority is keeping you safe & legal.
Flexible: While the X-Laser EZ Variance Kit can only be used with X-Laser brand projectors, only one kit is needed per owner or venue. The EZ Variance, EZ Re-Variance and EZ Audience Scanning Variance cover everything from new X-laser purchases, extending a variance to previously owned X-Laser’s, X-Laser Polaris audience scanning systems & more.

XLaser EZ Re Variance Kit (X-Laser EZ Revariance Kit)

Option #1 - Affirm Financing

Order Value Term Length APR
$50-699.99 3, 6 or 12 Months Interest-Bearing
$700+ 3, 6 Months 0% (Qualified Customers)
3, 6, 12 or 18 Months Interest-Bearing
  • -Upon Checkout, click Affirm
  • -Get approved in seconds
  • -No late fees

Option #2 - Synchrony Financing

  • -Finance over 6, 9, 12 or 18 Months
  • -All products qualify for 6 Month 0% Interest Promo
  • -Some products qualify for 9, 12, or 18 Month 0% Interest Promo

Option #3 - Business Lease Financing

Option #4 - Free Lay-Away Program

  • -Call 877-775-7635 to get started
  • -No credit checks, no late fees, no minimum order
  • -Pay when you can & we'll ship when it's paid off
  • -FREE to use ($10 initial charge is applied to final payment)

LIGHTS & VISUAL > Stage Lighting > Lasers
UPC: 899631002039
Brand: X-Laser

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