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Chauvet DJ Obey 40


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Chauvet Obey 40 (Chauvet OBEY40)

With a slightly larger size comes a larger capacity: the Chauvet Obey40 has 30 banks on 8 scenes, or up to 240 scenes. This Chauvet lighting controller offers the flexibility of its little brother but also adds fog and strobe control and MIDI compatibility.

Chauvet Lighting Controller (OBEY40) Features:
Controls up to 12 intelligent lights of up to 16 channels each
30 banks of 8 scenes, 240 scenes max
192 DMX channels of control
6 sets of chases containing 240 scenes
Program fade and speed time into each step
Reversible sliders
Re-assignable channels
Sequential linking of chases
Fog & strobe control buttons
Grab any fixture on the fly
Beat activation, tap-sync and auto run
Polarity selector
3-space (3U) rack mount
MIDI compatible

Power: DC 12V 500mA 115V/60Hz or 230V/50Hz
Weight: 6lbs (2.7kg)
Size: 20.25in x 3.5in x 6.75in
514mm x 89mm x 171mm

Option #1 - Affirm Financing

Order Value Term Length APR
$50-699.99 3, 6 or 12 Months Interest-Bearing
$700+ 3, 6 Months 0% (Qualified Customers)
3, 6, 12 or 18 Months Interest-Bearing
  • -Upon Checkout, click Affirm
  • -Get approved in seconds
  • -No late fees

Option #2 - Synchrony Financing

  • -Finance over 6, 9, 12 or 18 Months
  • -All products qualify for 6 Month 0% Interest Promo
  • -Some products qualify for 9, 12, or 18 Month 0% Interest Promo

Option #3 - Business Lease Financing

Option #4 - Free Lay-Away Program

  • -Call 877-775-7635 to get started
  • -No credit checks, no late fees, no minimum order
  • -Pay when you can & we'll ship when it's paid off
  • -FREE to use ($10 initial charge is applied to final payment)

LIGHTS & VISUAL > Controllers & Accessories > DMX Controllers
UPC: 781462202880
Brand: Chauvet DJ

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